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Creating a Healthier Future Through Human Milk

At the Human Milk Institute (HMI), we bring organizations at the forefront of human milk research, clinical care, milk banking, education, and public and global health together to expand our understanding of human milk so we can apply that knowledge and improve lifelong health worldwide.

Explore our Programs

Human milk institute logo
Premature upper body and head seen through hospital incubator

The Time is Now — The Place is HMI

Human milk has been historically viewed as solely an infant nutrition concern. This perspective created a data and research deficit that has had a lasting impact on the lifelong health of everyone on earth.

At HMI, we rely on a firm commitment to evidence-based data to reveal what human milk holds for us, from infant development and understanding the effects of medications on milk composition to providing equitable access to milk, educating clinicians and so much more.

Learn more about us

A Central Hub to Advance Human Milk

HMI is the epicenter of data and expertise in human milk to inform areas across research, education, clinical care and global public health.

Analytical Research

Hands typing on computer keyboard

HMI's Milk Analytics Core (MAC) is the world's first entity dedicated to technology development, innovation, and analysis in human milk for both academic and commercial organizations.

Epidemiology & Data Science


HMI will help shape public health by opening access to a human milk data repository and actionable analytics in human milk for clinicians, educators and policymakers.


Classroom discussions

Located at UC San Diego, a top research and clinical education institution, HMI is uniquely positioned to formalize the study of human lactology and aid in training future generations of researchers, clinicians and educators.

Engagement & Commercialization

Analytical Vials

HMI will partner with mission-driven organizations to explore applications for human milk across areas that will transform global health including nutrition, therapeutics and diagnostics.

Community Outreach

Community discussions

Together with our partners, HMI programs strive to provide avenues by which we can empower communities with new information and equitable access to human milk.

Rapid Response

Woman breastfeeding

HMI is creating an infrastructure for rapidly analyzing the impact of pandemics and other health threats on human milk. Together we can provide reliable information to health care providers and the public when it’s needed most.

HMI Symposium 2024

Monday & Tuesday, March 18 & 19, 2024

Program and speaker lineup has been announced!
Register today!


Explore HMI'24

Seaside Forum Entrance

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Partner with us

Interested in collaborating on a project or joining our team? Let’s connect and change global health through human milk together.

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