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HMI'25 Program Day 2 - Main Symposium

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


8:00 AM

Check-in opens
Light breakfast will be served
Poster mounting in breakout rooms

9:00 AM

Welcome Remarks

Mitra Hooshmand, PhD
Executive Director, Human Milk Institute
UC San Diego

Lars Bode, PhD
Founding Director, Human Milk Institute
UC San Diego

9:30 AM

Morning sessions begin

Focus Session: Emerging Threats and the Power of Human Milk - Part 1


Samuel H. Scripps Auditorium


Nigel Rollins, MD


9:30 AM

Topic Introduction, Historic Overview, and Global Public Health Relevance

Nigel Rollins, MD
Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing
World Health Organization (WHO)


9:45 AM

Fuel for Survival

Nelly Amenyogbe, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, REDI-Scholar, Microbiology & Immunology
Dalhousie University, Halifax Canada

Tobias R. Kollmann, MD, PhD
Professor, Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Microbiology & Immunology
Dalhousie University, Halifax Canada
CEO, Born Strong Initiative


10:15 AM

A human milk oligosaccharides protects newborn mice from experimental cholera

Fabian Rivera-Chávez, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics and the Department of Molecular Biology
UC San Diego

10:35 AM

Coffee Break

Focus Session: Emerging Threats and the Power of Human Milk - Part 2


Samuel H. Scripps Auditorium


Nigel Rollins, MD


11:05 AM

Short talk selected from submitted abstracts
Breast milk IgA antibodies protect against Klebsiella pneumoniae colonization

Biana Bernshtein, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Havard


11:15 AM

Short talk selected from submitted abstracts
Human skim milk has antiviral properties towards human T-cell leukemia virus type 1

Stefanie Heym
Doctoral student
Institute of Clinical and Molecular Virology, Uniklinikum Erlangen, Germany


11:25 AM

Short talk selected from submitted abstracts
PureMilk: Rapid diagnostic tool for pathogen detection in milk

Lea Holritz, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Technical University of Denmark


11:35 AM

H5N1 Avian Influenza - What Do We Know about Infection and Milk?

Carrie Byington, MD
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
UC San Diego

12:00 PM

Group Photo, Lunch, and Meet-Up Hub

2:00 PM

Afternoon sessions begin

Hot Topic: Extracellular Vesicles in Human Milk


Samuel H. Scripps Auditorium


Amy L Non, PhD, MPH


2:00 PM

Hidden Messages in Human milk: An Introduction to Extracellular Vesicles

Natalie Turner, MReproMed, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow - Yates Lab
The Scripps Research Institute


2:10 PM

Short talk selected from submitted abstracts
Human milk microRNAs vary in relation to maternal characteristics and exposures, and associate with infant outcomes: A scoping review

Erika Yu
Student Researcher - Non Lab
UC San Diego


2:20 PM

Human milk contains exosomal miRNAs and cortisol that may vary in relation to maternal stress and mood

Amy L Non, PhD, MPH
Professor of Anthropology
UC San Diego


2:40 PM

Use of programmable milk extracellular vesicles to deliver therapeutics

Janos Zempleni, PhD
Willa Cather Professor of Molecular Nutrition, Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences
Director, Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases through Dietary Molecules
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Focus Session: Social Determinants of Health


Samuel H. Scripps Auditorium


Shana Wright, MPH, CLEC


3:00 PM

Patient Family Perspective: Every Drop Counts

Kimberly Novod, MPA
Founder & Executive Director
Saul's Light


3:10 PM

Making milk: Meanings and molecules in breastfeeding

EA Quinn, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology
Washington University in St Louis


3:30 PM

Short talk selected from submitted abstracts
An Innovative Model for Equity in Pediatric Care: Boston Community Pediatrics

Maggie Moore
Co-Founder and CEO


3:40 PM

Short talk selected from submitted abstracts
Barriers to postpartum health and opinions on a postpartum navigator program amongst Arabic, Dari, and Pashto speaking refugees

Ruth Teseyem Tadesse
Research Analyst
ACTRI, Center for Community Health, Refugee Health Unit
UC San Diego


3:50 PM

Short talk selected from submitted abstracts
From Cradle to Cubicle: The Success of Arizona's Infant at Work Program

Jennifer Aron
Resident Physician
Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS)

4:00 PM

Poster Session I
Sunset Cocktail Reception

5:30 PM

End of Day 2