- Day 1 - March 4
- Day 2 - March 5
- Day 3 - March 6
- Posters
8:00 AM
Check-in opens
Light breakfast will be served
9:00 AM
Morning session begins
Samuel H. Scripps Auditorium
9:00 AM
Opening Lecture
Evidence and Uncertainties on Nutrition and NEC in Preterm Infants
Ravi M. Patel, MD, MSc
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
9:30 AM
White Couch Panel Discussion
Controversies in the Nutritional Support of Preterm Infants
10:30 AM
Poster Session II
Coffee will be served
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
Afternoon session begins
Samuel H. Scripps Auditorium
Lars Bode, PhD
1:30 PM
Innovation in Point-of-Care Technology
Machine learning in the identification of infant suckling irregularities from a simple non-nutritive pacifier vacuum sensor
Erin Walsh
Speech-Language Pathologist, Department of Otolaryngology
UC San Diego
James Friend, PhD
Professor and Penner Endowed Chair of Engineering and Physics, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Department of Surgery
UC San Diego
2:00 PM
Innovation in Pandemic Prepardness
Testing Human Milk for Infectious Disease using a Rapid Aptamer-Based Biosensor
Sandra Leibel, MD MSc
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics
UC San Diego
2:20 PM
Innovation in Human Milk Bioactives
Rewiring plant metabolism for production of human milk oligosaccharides
Patrick M Shih, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology
UC Berkeley
2:40 PM
Short talk selected from submitted abstracts
Improving Breastfeeding Rates in Somalia through Solar-Powered Breast Pumps
Faduma Gure
LISS Technologies
2:50 PM
Short talk selected from submitted abstracts
Exercised breastmilk: A kick-start for childhood obesity prevention?
Trine Moholdt, PhD
Research Scientist
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
3:00 PM
Coffee and Meet-Up Hub
3:30 PM
White Couch Wrap Up session begins
Samuel H. Scripps Auditorium
3:30 PM
White Couch Panel Discussion
The Future of Human Milk and Lactation Research, Application, and Clinical Care
Samuel H. Scripps Auditorium
Lars Bode, PhD
4:15 PM
"A Perspective on the Future of Human Milk and Infant Nutrition – through the lens of 85 years of Research, Education, and Advocacy at the March of Dimes"
Jonathan Cherry, MBA
Senior Director, Research Operations
March of Dimes
4:45 PM
Poster Awards and Closing Remarks
5:00 PM
End of Day 3